What? and Why?

What do you do with the pages of a couple of old redundant Filofax journal? (A very old, battered and redundant Filofax*) Well, I could have thrown it all away, but instead I’m coverting each page into a journal entry. Instead of writing masses of words that I will probably never read again I’m using clippings from the newspaper instead. It amuses me to convert the possibly sensational stories into paint covered strips, now illegible, and to retain just a few words that have meaning for me – if no-one else.

I have two journals – one is larger than the other. The pages will be produced on alternate days – and probably stitched at a different time. The adhesive that I’m using is temporary, so the stitching is an important part of the whole process.




*Do I still Filofax? Yes, I do, and it is with me constantly! The redundant ones are remnants from an old life – and were all work related. I still use a Filofax, but not the ones mentioned above!

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Filofax Art Journal


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